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Liberation Iannillo


ELEVATED: Generally speaking, I find social media content on the topic of mental health to be rife with tropes, platitudes and banal sentiments. For Brooklyn Minds Psychiatry’s social media content, I wanted to do things differently because their approach to mental health is done differently.

Based in New York City, Brooklyn Minds is known for providing cutting edge mental healthcare treatments including Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and psychedelics for people with treatment resistant depression. 

Co-Founder Dr. Carlene MacMillan describes the Brooklyn Minds approach as wanting to “make mental healthcare cool, accessible, and away from the ivory tower.” This sentiment was my Northern Star when designing and writing content for their social media accounts.

In addition to service related content, I highlighted patient testimonials, Brooklyn Minds’ Clubhouse “Creator First” programming, and the major accomplishments of people in the healthcare space such as Kizzmekia Corbett who was instrumental in creating the COVID-19 vaccine.

With regards to creative direction, I took a departure from the expected healthcare palette of blue, blue and more blue and created a new style guide of colors, fonts, and layouts. I also worked with Angela Krieg on conceptual illustrations for LGBTQIA+ and pandemic related content as her approachable style brought some much needed levity to often times heavy topics.

Instagram - ADHD
Instagram - Kizzmekia Corbett
Instagram - Blazed Cats - NFTS
LGBTQIA Illustration by Angela Krieg
Instagram - Psychedelics
Instagram - Webinar Promo
Instagram - Why are TikTok Influencers Faking Mental Illness?
SXSW 2022 - PanelPicker
Instagram - Quote
Instagram - Self Care Is Self Defined
Instagram - Safe Space
Holidays in the Time of Covid - Illustration by Angela Krieg